Your child’s journey

We believe each child is unique and deserves a unique educational experience. By offering a balance of academic, artistic, and practical activities which engages the heads, hearts and hands of all our pupils throughout their education, our curriculum supports their intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual development, and encourages their innate curiosity and love of learning. Our curriculum addresses all the multiple intelligences, develops analytical, logical and reasoning skills as education has always done, but also focuses on the development of imagination, creativity, memory and flexible thinking – ‘soft’ skills highly prized in today’s society.

Early years

Parent & Child Groups, Playgroup & Kindergarten

Early years

Parent & Child Groups, Playgroup & Kindergarten

In Early Years the focus is on play and activity embedded in the cycle of seasons and festivals. The rhythm of daily life in the Early Years is simple and unhurried without the notions of ‘achievement’,’ success’, or ‘failure’.

Early years

Lower school

From the age of six

Lower school

From the age of six

In Lower School learning is structured in a way that enables the pupils to develop emotionally and physically, while laying down the foundations for the development of intellectual and abstract thought during the Upper School years.

Lower school

Upper school

From the age of fourteen

Upper school

From the age of fourteen

The curriculum evolves to accommodate each pupil’s emerging capacity for analytical thought, and they are actively encouraged to exercise independent judgement, be it aesthetic, moral or intellectual.

Upper school

Visiting students

Visiting students

Visiting pupils enjoy a minimum of four English as an Additional Language lessons per week and can – if they meet the required standard – go on to sit the internationally recognised Cambridge Certificate.