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Main Lesson: Three Kings’ Play


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Final year pupils take ownership of all aspects of the Three Kings’ Play as their theatrical Main Lesson, in addition to the Class 12 play at the end of the year.


The final year pupils offered a public performance of the final play in the Oberufer trilogy on Wednesday evening, followed by a school performance on Thursday to Classes 6+.

It tells the tale of the journey of the three kings in search of the Christ Child.  It also tells of Herod’s angry and bloody actions.


Heter Machin, Upper School Drama and Three Kings Play Main Lesson Teacher

ÖØ¿ÚÁÔÆæ has a tradition of performing the third of the Oberufer plays based on the journey of the Magi and Herod’s actions,” says Upper School Drama and Three Kings Play Main Lesson Teacher, Hester Machin.

Whilst this could be seen just in a religious context, the deeper questions about humanity, power and love form a key role in this production for the school.

It is an important part of the curriculum. The giving of time and energy to perform for others in the darkest time of the year offers the oldest pupils a chance to see beyond themselves and their individual academic goals. The subject matter engages them in considering this traditional medieval play’s relevance for the modern audience, the deeper truths about humanity and their own path in engaging with the world today. Coming together to work as a company staging the performance strengthens community both within and beyond the class at a time when personal goals might otherwise isolate individuals.

The second theatrical production offers the Class 12s a chance to explore their own journey together and celebrate their unique qualities. The Graduation Play is often not agreed until Easter of the Class’s final year.”

The Class works together to perform this play for the Middle and Upper School pupils towards the end of January. This work incorporates everything from costumes to learning lines and songs to character development. Poster design, gaining an understanding of the power of lighting, fixing props and spreading word about the performance are integrated into this theatrical Main Lesson.

For many years Class 12 pupils undertake two drama productions throughout their final academic year at ÖØ¿ÚÁÔÆæ, intertwined with their exam diet. Whilst they will round off their education in the school that for some has spanned twelve years of Lower and Upper School and perhaps Kindergarten too, with a Class 12 Play,  the first theatrical offering is the Three Kings Play, learning their lines, creating a poster, designing the set and costumes during Main Leson time, with extra rehearsals.


This is the final Oberufer play, following the and (this year casting Class 12 pupil Luca, far left, as a shepherd).

Photos captured at the dress rehearsal on Tuesday evening.


To view this Main Lesson within the Upper School Curriculum Overview, visit:

Read the full weekly ezine here:

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Main Lesson: Three Kings’ Play
